The Original Journey
The captivating original trip was a remarkable expedition led by the two friends Westwood and Davies. Through their gripping Mission Reports, we dive into the extraordinary adventures and triumphs of these intrepid explorers and their remarkable car. So, brace yourself for a captivating exploration of the human spirit and the indomitable will of Westwood and Davis in their pursuit and trip around the Australian Outback.
The Men – Nevill Westwood and Greg Davis
Nevill Westwood and Greg Davies were remarkable individuals who made significant contributions in their field. When they embarked to their trip around Australia, they showcased their incredible passion and love for the Australian people.
The Citroën 5CV played a central role in their journey. It’s a remarkable automobile known for its exceptional features and reliability. Throughout their trip, the Citroën 5CV proved to be a reliable companion, enabling Nevill Westwood and Greg Davies to traverse the diverse landscapes of Australia with ease and excitement.
Their experience during the Right Around Australia trip was nothing short of extraordinary. Nevill Westwood and Greg Davies were able to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Australia, from its stunning coastlines to its breathtaking outback. Along the way, they encountered friendly locals, experienced the helpful spirit of the people that made their journey truly memorable.